Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969)
Uhura Without a doubt, the ultimate female character in the Star Trek universe - well at least from the planet Earth! Notwithstanding the historical importance of the character in science fiction and cultural history, Nyota Uhura, communications officer is a beautiful, feisty and talented individual, able to dance and sing as well as interpret alien communication, man the science station and has athletic prowess. She is acknowledged as being the one of the first, if not THE first characters of African descent to be shown on American Television. Another landmark was the first interracial kiss on American television in the 1968 episode "Plato's Stepchildren". Both these milestones say something about the poor state of racial equality in the 1960s, particularly in America at the time. It also says a lot about the role women were to play in the film industry, as it shifted from the family-based mother and wife to a more eclectic role, although this isn't to say that obj...